On March 10th, what originally started as just Matt and I, quickly turned into a nice little group of 15 of us headed for this year's ballroom competition at Brandeis University! (Otherwise known as the Northeast Collegiate DanceSport Challenge - yeah... we'll stick with the "Brandeis Comp"...)
Anyways! All in all, it was an AWESOME day - we had a ton of fun at the competition, we all danced really well, and my back held up! For those of you with your puzzled-face on, I managed to tear/pull/misalign something in my back right at the end of January and it's been a little rough. My first day of physical therapy was the day before this competition... I went for it anyway... :)
We started the morning off with Rhythm - that can be a little rough... asking for a lot of high energy first thing in the morning! Matt and I got 4th in Gold ChaCha/Rumba/Swing/Mambo (out of 4... but we had fun!).
For Gold American Smooth, we ended up with 3rd in Waltz/Foxtrot and 4th in Tango/VWaltz (out of 6). The couples that took first and second were actually Open couples, I think so we're totally fine falling in behind them!
And finally, for Gold International Standard, we ended up with 5th for Watlz/Tango/Foxtrot/Quickstep (out of 7) and 6th in Viennese Waltz (out of 10).
Matt and I also ended up winning the Dance for the Cure Foxtrot Fun Dance and I followed a Newcomer from WPI (Sam) for a Waltz Fun Dance and we took 5th!