(Here we're awaiting the results! Clearly I'm wishing we were doing Rhythm... Matt's just plain serious about it.)

We didn't do too bad in Standard either, though! There were more couples (and definitely some that specialized in Standard more than we do) - we ended up with 6th in Gold Standard Waltz/Quickstep and 7th in Gold Standard Foxtrot/Tango.
It took a little bit for her to get the gist of my crazy camera (focusing on a moving target is kind of a nightmare with it) so a bunch of them start off a little blurry but they eventually focus! I didn't bother cutting them at all - again, it's useful for us to see the alignment, etc. :)
Gold Smooth Waltz (Final Round)
Gold Smooth Tango (Final Round)
Gold Smooth Foxtrot (Final Round)
Gold Smooth Viennese Waltz (Final Round)
Gold Standard Viennese Waltz (Quarter Final Round)
Gold Standard Waltz (Semi-Final Round)
Gold Standard Quickstep (Semi-Final Round)
Gold Standard Foxtrot (Semi-Final Round)
Gold Standard Tango (Semi-Final Round)
Gold Standard Viennese Waltz (Semi-Final Round)
Gold Standard Waltz (Final Round)
Gold Standard Quickstep (Final Round)
Gold Standard Foxtrot (Final Round)
Gold Standard Tango (Final Round) - ran out of SD card memory... :(