Rob and everyone are out at their Senior Banquet, which leaves me on my own!
This week has left me running around a lot - brief summary? Let's see... Basically, I usually run an experiment with an auto-sampling system, but Chip (my advisor) and I think that the required setup is giving us some weird mixing (or rather, not mixing) and skewing the results. Ergo, that leaves me (pitiful grad student) running through it manually to satisfy curiosity. Translation? For 40 hours I took a manual measurement ever 2 hours....
Needless to say, constantly interrupted sleep has left me kind of exhausted. A quiet night on my own is exactly what this future-doctor ordered...
Like I said, I'm not sure what triggered this spiral but I all of a sudden had a craving for some oldies-but-goodies, in the movie department. I understand this classification could qualify everything from the Casablanca era to the Breakfast Club days. But I'm talking childhood. I know - you all immediately jumped to Disney. WRONG! :)
My selection:
And probably not even close to your wildest guesses... What can I say - I'm a strange kid :)
These were some of my mom's favorite movies and we had some quality mother-daughter time. Usually over popcorn and some red nail polish. Although now I completely understand why I had to close my eyes for some parts...
Best. Idea. Ever.
P.S. I only remember like 2 brief scenes from Legends of the Fall - I either had my eyes covered for a significant portion of it or we just didn't watch it as often - I'm guessing both.