We took on Marshall's and Target - two of our faves!
We both went with a few specific things in mind (I needed placemats, she needed a bath mat) but we also managed to find a few other treasures along the way... which I'm really excited about and so I've decided to share them with you.
Ok! Let the reveal begin!
First up: the placemats! I've been looking for them everywhere for the last few weeks - I found plenty of options but none the right character for the right price. Lucky for me, Marshall's came to my rescue!
I also picked up those yellow cloth napkins at Marshall's (and in taupe) - set of 4 in each color for only $4.99! (These were also on my "must have" list given that a single dinner party used all of the ones I already had and I'm just not going to do laundry on demand... but I adore cloth napkins for some reason and so they were a lucky find!)
I also found a new candle (Marshall's again) for only $6.99 - not too bad considering it's HUGE! And smells amaaaaazing...
I also found some fun gadgets for the kitchen (yes, we're still at Marshall's) that I probably don't necessarily "neeeeeeeed"..... but I'm pretty sure my mom would include on her "I'm down to my bare essentials!!" list... :)

(I took this photo from Amazon.com so you could get an idea if you're not quite sure what I'm talking about - mine is red though... sassy.) You just pump the cap a few times before you want to use it to build up a little pressure and then spray away!

(Can you tell? Kate turned her back and left me alone for 3 minutes and I went wild...)
5. This may be my favorite item of the evening - and again determined "a must" after the last dinner party's confusion over who's glass was who's.
Enter: Party People Glass Markers!
Whew! We had to get out of Marshall's before I could collect anything else - on to Target!
Primary goal of Target was to find some kind of system to help me organize my closets. I discovered the Itso Storage Cubes (you can google this one yourself...) which I think are just perfect... They stack and connect perfectly and I can customize the arrangement of them (which also makes them easy to move and repurpose at any point). They're 1-foot cubes and you can buy little extras for them - shelves, canvas baskets of all sizes, lids or doors (white board finish!), etc. For now I just got the basic white cubes and I figured I can always go back to pick up shelves if I find I need them...
I also bought some cute sheer curtains for my bedroom but I'm going to wait until I can put them up before I show you... :)
Whew! Now all I have to do is put all of these to good use! (At this point, the Party People are the only purchase that has been fully tested - Kate and I tried them out immediately and they are now socializing on the front of my microwave!)