For a while, I was writing lists on scraps of paper and taping them to the back of the door so that there was no way I could miss it on my way out. Usually it was something along the lines of "start the dishwasher," "take out the recycling," "bring sweatpants for dance," etc...
I figured a dry-erase situation would probably be ideal. And then I figured I would take it a step further by trying to make it cute! :) Plus, I wanted to be able to hang my keys near the note as well - that way, there was NO WAY you could miss it!
Verdict thus far? SUPER useful!!! :)
I ended up making three different key reminder boards - Katie and Kaleigh just moved into a new house (Katie) and apartment (Kaliegh) this summer and I knew they would both love this idea, too. :)
I LOVE how they turned out! I tried out different DIY flowers for each one - Katie's (far left) has crochet star flowers, Kaleigh's (center) has felt flower bursts, and the one for Krista's and my apartment (far right) has fabric flowers with clear stones glued in for centers!