Opportunity presented itself when I wound up in the airport over the weekend on the way back from my California trip. (Although I'm a little disappointed I didn't think of picking on up sooner! It would have been wonderful to have out on the patio in the afternoons!)
I've been so caught up in studying and journal articles that the thought of voluntarily reading something would just about kick in my gag-reflex. Needless to say, I was a little hesitant when I headed over to the shelf of books in the airport shop...
The lucky winner?

About 3 pages in, my jaw started to relax a bit and I let go of my usual "argh-my-advisor-is-going-to-drill-me-on-this" angst and just went with the story.
Ok... "went with it" may be a bit of an understatement... I finished the entire book that same day...
It may not be my favorite book of all time but it was definitely entertaining and I definitely enjoyed it. The fact that it not once mentioned activated sludge or membrane bioreactors was just an added bonus...
Next up?

Is there any chance that it's not TOO much of a chick flick for me to make it a date with Rob?
Yeah... I didn't think so either...
Bring on my girls!

And then of course - once I have another chance to come up for breath - bring on the sequel!