Once we changed our clothes, we headed into downtown Saratoga for dinner but everything was jam-packed (we figured it would be) so we compromised by grabbing some fresh, hot kettle corn and headed up to Wilton to grab a bite to eat. It was really foggy so we voted against the fireworks this year and settled on going to the movies. We had a few hours to kill before the next showing so we stalled a little bit at the Racino (of course!). We decided on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - looking back on it? Probably a mistake... Don't get me wrong! It was VERY well done - but nothing about the preview even came close to hinting at the gruesome abuse that was involved, which was unfortunately just a little too much for me to handle. No, a LOT too much for me to handle! Needless to say, a little How I Met Your Mother was definitely required to lighten the mood before either of us could sleep!
I've never really been one for New Years Resolutions - not that I have anything against them! I just haven't ever really set any (ergo, also haven't really had to worry about keeping any... added bonus...). But I think this is going to be the year for turning over a new leaf! (I feel like I've also said that at the beginning of almost every academic semester, too... but that's a whole different resolution! We're talking New Year's, people!!) Anywho! Drum roll please!
2012 New Year's Resolutions
(It may seem like excessive detail but I think this is more for me - if it's in writing, maybe I'll hold myself more accountable? Just keep checking in with me to make sure I'm going through with all of this? Thanks, you're the best...)
1. Establish a more "routine" routine. I've typically had a really odd schedule revolving around late nights, late mornings, and a full day of on and off work. Unfortunately, this leaves me feeling unproductive (regardless of how the day actually went), exhausted, and stressed out. The new plan? Try to head into my office around 9:30 everyday and get some solid lab work, grading, etc. done until 4 or 5 so that when I go home, I can (hopefully) relax a little. In summary - work hard during the day so my evenings aren't also swamped with work.
2. Back to healthy eating. About a year and a half ago, I joined Weight Watchers and actually did pretty well! I reached my goal weight, became a lifetime member and all was good. I've fallen off the wagon a little bit (not terribly... but enough...) so I'm going to get back with tracking my points and get back to a little more of a balanced diet. This ties in a little bit with Resolution #3:
3. Cook more! This semester was super hectic and as a result, most of my meals were on the go and (gasp!) not homemade... I love to cook so I'd like to try to prepare more meals myself this semester. Which should totally be possible, pending that Resolution #1 works out. :)
4. Make the most of my exercising. Dance has been great exercise for me over the past few years but, lets face it, sometimes I get a little lazy. I need to start making the most of practice (warming up, stretching, using my ribcage, etc.). Let's do it. Ski season is upon us, which will also help build up some activity points and I think I'll try jogging or running on non-dancing days, too.
5. Church. This one is kind of self explanatory. I think I'm going to work on the whole weekly Mass thing again. I used to really the spiritual, self-reflection part of all of it so I think it would be good to have back. Who knows, maybe a little church choir is even on the horizon.
6. Keeping in touch. I'm horrible when it comes to staying in touch with people - things get crazy and the next thing I know a month has gone by and I've completely neglected some of the most important people in my life! I know, excuses, excuses... Well no more! (I hope... I'm certainly going to try!!)
7. Bring back the music! A lot of you might not actually realize that at one point music was a huge part of my life - once I got to RPI, engineering, ballroom, and clubs kind of took over and the piano, oboe, and singing kind of took the back burner. When I graduated (the first time) I rewarded myself with a digital piano that I could have at my apartment to try and get myself playing again. I dabble here and there but I don't play anywhere near as much as I did in high school... The Resolution? To play a little bit at least 4 times a week. I've even set aside some new pieces to work on. :)
I know these all seem a little ambitious but I think a lot of them are actually intertwined and a little co-dependent so I'm thinking it's all possible. New leaf, get ready to turn over!