Other times, best friends are separated by grad school... Tomato, tomäto!
The point is! We were FAR overdue for this little reunion! No matter how brief it may have been...
The best part? I had NO idea she was coming until I received a text message - "Sorry for the late notice: any chance you could get lunch in Troy in two hours?"
UM, YES!!!!!!!!
Now, let's analyze this... for those of you who have met my dear friend, you understand that MY response was completely appropriate. Notice the all capital letters, excessive exclamation marks... all indicating an overwhelming level of excitement.
Let's continue this shall we?
Me: Are you here???
Her: Not quite yet
Hmm... why am I the only one overly pumped about this?
Me: I would love to see you!!!
Her: Sounds good. When we get in to Troy we'll call.
What the hell???? Did she mellow out on me? Grow up and mature overnight?? Abandon the ridiculousness that we once were???
So I'm waiting at the restaurant to meet them, a little nervous (I can't lie...) and then all of a sudden a BURST of energy spastically leap and bound through the intersection toward me. It was same old Tara... :)
The Case of the Excitement-less Texts? She was the one driving and was relaying messages to Leon to send to me.
Ahhhhhhhhhh..... WHEW!
Looks like a lot hasn't changed over the last six years. :) We aren't always the best about staying in touch but I think we both know it doesn't matter - we just work.
Unfortunately, they had to get back on the road so we had to say goodbye. And later, when I got home, I received another text message:
Her: It's me back texting!!!!! :) I'm soooooooo glad we could see you!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!!!
That's my girl... :)