Nevertheless!! It's been a busy week and a break was definitely required!
There's just something about the spring weather we've been having that inspired me to bring a little more color in my life... While the hot pink nail polish on my toes was an excellent start, it just wasn't quite enough...
So on a whim, I decided to add a little red to my hair! :) And the best part?? Katie and I convinced Kate to give it a shot, too!! (If you know Kate, and the fact that she has never before colored her hair, you will understand how thrilling this is... AND we didn't even have to make a decision matrix, venn diagram, or any other kind of statistical pros vs. cons tool!)

She was super nervous....
All of the excitement triggered a quick before-bedtime craft, as well.
With the ballroom competition coming up this weekend, I realized that I didn't really have any *bling* for my hair... But I DID have some rhinestones, little clips, and a hot glue gun!

I decided to just glue one edge of the rhinestone to the very top of only half of the clip - I contemplated each side of the clips but decided that it would probably be a little too hidden by my hair.